Friday, May 23, 2014

The real life Rapunzel cut off her Very long hair.

floor length hair Real life Rapunzel cut off her Very long hair   The real life Rapunzel cut off her Very long hair. Barbara Groborz - 26 years old girl from Rybnik was the official Polish record holder in long hair (214cm ) from April of last year For several months, the ruling Long Hair Queen was going to cut her hair .
Twice was at the hairdressers , but did not take on this task . The third time I ran out of the chair , because it lacked the courage.

Living with such a long hair was not easy for both Barbara and her mother, who daily tangled her daughters braid. She also combed her hair after a bath . Basia slept with a pillow placed tail.

- Finally, I can go without the stress for a few days . When I was on vacation , I was afraid that I can not handle. Unfortunately, my hair is a little destroyed and I had to trim them - told Barbara, teacher at School No. 10 in Rybnik before the turning point of her life.
- I am very glad that I was free to swim in the pool. I had great difficulty with this because it is not easy to fit so much hair.

Hair was divided into three parts. Three of them was braided by hairdressers . This three braids was cut by Mariusz Stankiewicz . Within about 40 minutes he made a classic short hairstyle, with a slightly oblique bangs. However, this is temporary hairstyle. He persuaded Barbara on the hair length of 3-4 cm. Next haircut after 3 weeks ! First, she has to get used to a shorter hairstyle . He admitted that he cut such very long hair for the first time. He did it with enthusiasm, without fear. Braids braided into one weighed 35 ounces.

- From this braid will be made a hairpiece, which will keep as a trophy - he explained.

Barbara was born with shoulder length hair. When she went to school, many people were convinced that she has floor length braid - told sister Anna Groborz record holder .
- I feel like someone always sustained me to have long plait - said Barbara surprised to see in the mirror, shoulder-length hair . - I am glad that braid will be preserved in its entirety.

 She says that she decided to have short hair, because she wanted to change her personality . She wonders how they will react to the sight of her friends and students , and
what to do with a rich collection of h

long hair makeover long hair to very short haircut
Girl cut off her very long braid

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